Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stupidity, part 1...

Now, it may just be me, because I know sometimes, I get carried away, but when someone acts a fool, and it's caught on tape, I believe it's my job to point out such foolery and share it with the world.


Ahem. So, I decided to write a letter...

Dear Mr. Ed O'Neill,

You are an ass. Yes, an ass, I say. Why, you may ask? Simple. You sit in that room with your fellow actors, most of whom I truly consider artists (Chris Colfer, Neil Patrick Harris, for instance). Granted, you, as well as everyone at that table have been in the business for longer than Chris Colfer has been alive, but please remember your company.

Glee is Chris' first professional acting job. Meaning, it's the first time he's ever gotten paid. I'm pretty sure he got scale the first season of Glee. And I'm pretty sure that scale pay was more than he's ever seen in one paycheck (or several of them, even), and so for you to sit there and complain about money...well...you, sir, are an ass.

Did you ever wonder why Al Pacino and Bette Midler aren't getting paid scale? Maybe because he's won an Oscar, and she's fucking BETTE MIDLER.

Tell you what, Ed...the MOMENT you become more famous for anything besides being Al Bundy, or for Modern Family, I am more than happy to argue that you should be paid more than scale. However, that doesn't mean you automatically DESERVE to be paid the same as Al Pacino or Bette Midler. After all, from the description you gave of the project, it sounds as if Pacino and Midler are the starring roles. And while I would never knock a supporting role or a supporting actor (I happen to be one myself), I do find it disgusting how you simply throw out the idea because you're a greedy, grubbing, old man.

If this had happened in a random interview one on one, I probably wouldn't have so much vitriol for you. However, this happened not just in the same room, but RIGHT FUCKING NEXT to a young man who has worked harder than most his age, and who has not only impressed, but WOWED and FASCINATED audiences and critics alike.

My point is simple. Be gracious for what you have. Don't be cocky. Don't be an ass.

And most of all, don't ever disrespect your fellow artists again. You forget, hollywood has a LONG memory (even if they don't like to admit it...)

So, there's that...

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