Sunday, August 7, 2011

Civility, part I

The other day, I was at work at an unnamed Video Store (so as to keep my job), when a couple who come in regularly approached me and asked me for some recommendations. I pointed out a few and then excitedly told them about I Love You, Phillip Morris, starring Jim Carrey.

If you're unaware of this movie, it stars Carrey as a con-man who falls in love with Ewan McGregor's character (the Phillip Morris of the title), and while always trying to escape prison, continues to try to help him get out as well. I described one scene (having hardly anything GAY to do with it), when the girl of the couple stopped me and said "Oh, I don't like watching gay people. I don't like them."

I was...stunned, to say the least. I didn't know if she knew I'm gay, although I think not, hence her comment. I asked her why, and she said "they're gross, and it's just sick."

Now, I expected some religious talk, living in Texas, and being used to it, but nothing as plain as "it's just sick."

Now, I'm all for one speaking their opinion (hence the reason I created this blog), but can someone explain to me when and where people just stopped being polite and started being RUDE?

this, of course, is only one example, but if you'd like, i'll give you another. when i'm helping or checking out a customer and another customer walks up and starts asking me questions (when i'm OBVIOUSLY in the middle of a conversation), and demands that I answer her, and I politely say "I'll be with you in a moment..." and then she gets mad AT ME for BEING RUDE?

"I was just gonna axe a question, you don't need to be rude, muthafucka!"

Oh, excuse me. I was doing my job. You? You were being a bitch. Oh, and don't cuss in front of the kids, if you don't mind. This is a FAMILY store. BITCH.

(this being the thought in my head, NOT the words out of my mouth).

I find some comfort when she (and all customers) leave, and my manager says "man, she was a bitch! surprised you didn't slam her down on the curb!"--they know me so well, don't they?

But in general, it really pisses me off when people are just. plain. rude.

Now, when I'm NOT at work, NOT on the clock, and NOT in uniform, believe me, I do consider going off on rude people. I've even done it once.

I was at best buy, simply there to ask a question about a purchase I'd already bought, when the man in front of me started griping at a young associate, who was explaining why she couldn't sell him one of the three computers that they had in stock that were similar to his, BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY RESERVED AND PAID FOR BY OTHER PEOPLE.

He called her a racist bitch (they were BOTH black), and a few other choice names. I'd had a pretty lousy day, so I stepped up and pulled him back and told him a thing or two. Mainly, that he was being rude and selfish, while she was being perfectly professional, and if he called her a bitch again, I'd be happy to escort him outside myself, whether he liked or not. And also, the rules about people paying for stuff and how he can't just take them.

But seriously, it's not just my unnamed video store job. It's also my unnamed restaurant job. people are ruder to servers than they are to the IRS! or debt collectors!

excuse me for asking how you would like your food prepared, or what sides you would like. I'm sorry it offends you to your very core where you have to call me stupid because I CAN'T READ YOUR FUCKING MIND!! those who read this, please...remember to be polite. If at all possible, even if it's just for the karma. Because believe me, being a bitch/asshole/fuckwad twat will come back to bite you. Especially if you catch me outside of work.

That being said,

have a terrific. fucking. day.

So...there's that...

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